Tuesday 19 March 2013

Battle of the Social Networks

Bonjour mes amis! I am sorry for neglecting my blog but I have had so much work to deal with. (Still do but I'm choosing to momentarily ignore my responsibilities).

Considering I am a technophile and embrace technology with open arms, I'd like to take this opportunity to weigh-up the pros and cons of the most famous social networks out there. I'm probably preaching to the choir as you all must be at least semi-aware of technological happenings seeing as though you have found and use blogger. 

Let's get the ball rolling ....


  • Enable you to see whether someone is ignoring you
  • Chavy arguments provide comical entertainment
  • Get in contact with people that you don't see on a day-to-day basis
  • Post photos to show people you actually (sometimes) have a life. 
  • Sluts.
  • Attention seeking groups - 'Like this if you love your gran, keep scrolling to be eaten alive by a demon tonight'. No.
  • Pointless statuses - nobody cares if you just had a shower.
  • Sluts. 

  • Its awesome.
  • Writing pointless things about your life that you feel the need to share
  • Stalking celebrities
  • Posting infinite photos of your pets without being judged. 
  • People always writing the same tweets
  • Sluts
  • 'Twitter Famous People'
  • Celebrities not following us back :( (Apart from Barack Obama - he follows me :D)
  • So many services - blogger, YouTube, statuses
  • More 'sophisticated' than other Social Networks
  • Ability to join groups and communicate with people from around the world
  • Getting personal advice from accurate opinions in group
  • Hard to figure out
  • Lots of notifications that you need to check
  • Not many people I know have it
  • Lots of random people can see your profile and share your information
I hope this has been maybe helpful, maybe helped some people contemplate things regarding social networks. Comment me your thoughts on social networks if you have anything to add, or something you disagree with :)

The girl with her head in the virtual clouds!