Tuesday 30 April 2013

Examinations for the Nation

Hey you guys, I know it has been a while since my last post but as the title suggests, I have been absolutely overwhelmed with homework and revision in preparation for the summer exams. I am doing my AS Levels at the minute (French, Dance, Geography and Maths) and I can honestly say it is so stressful.

I know that at the time GCSEs seemed hard and a lot of work with deadlines and coursework but A Levels really are something else. There is no security like in GCSEs where even with no revision you are likely to pass; if you don't do the work - you will fail. Which is a lot of pressure for anyone to deal with considering how massively important these grades are! I have 8 exams to sit in total - Two maths (Core 2 and Decision 1); Two Geography (G1 Resit and G2); Two Dance (Practical and written) and Two French (Oral and Reading,Writing, Listening). 

I have my practical dance and French oral next week and I am bloody terrified to my core! (Don't tell me to get off blog-spot and so some revision because I have and everyone is allowed time for themselves!) Some of my lessons haven't even taught us everything we know! So here is even more added stress because we have less time to revise everything. I haven't been out with friends for at least a month between exercise and school work there leaves little time fore a  social life. 

So firstly I would like to say a massive good luck to anyone sitting exams soon, be it A Levels, AS Levels, GCSEs, SATs or whatever! Because it is a huge deal at the time and very stressful but you are not alone. There are plenty people feeling under prepared, scared, nervous, sickened the lot! Which leads nicely to my final point, PREPARE YOURSELF. If you don't feel confident, then revise, rehearse, practise do mind maps, read books, listen to CDs, ask for help and just throw yourself into it. Because at the end of the day, you get what you give and when you get your results, you will know if you have worked hard enough and whether you deserved the grade you got. Don't kick yourself on results day. I have been there. It's not good.

On that note good bye and good luck chickens!
From the girl shitting herself for exams (but doing something about it!) 

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