Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Breaks, lunches and free periods

The third instalment to the 'Sixth Form' post.

Breaks, lunches and free periods - the perks of sixth forms (apart from trips). But are they what they seem? 

At first, they are great. Lunches are now an hour long (plenty of time to go into town for some food), breaks are a nice break up to the day and give you enough time to grab a cup of tea for 3rd period, and frees are just for lazing about. Fress are especially great if they fall before or after school, because this means you get a lie in or an early finish! RESULT.

Then, after a few weeks, things aren't so cushty as they once were. 
Breaks - the refectory is loud and there are lots of people and it's extremely hard to get a table. And for some reason the bell always goes 5 minutes early so break is only really 15 minutes, once you actually get out of class and meet your friends. 
Lunch - The novelty of going into town for your lunch has worn off as the lack of shops in a 5 minute walk just doesn't seem as appealing as it once did. So you suffer and deal with the school canteen - not bad food but oh so over priced!!
Frees - You realise that frees are great, and it nice to not have a lesson but ... frees when you are by yourself? What do you do? Where do you go? You've got no homework to do, the school library is just too quiet and you cant be in the refectory by yourself (saddo). It's a very uncomfortable situation. 

Then, a few weeks after the few weeks after what now feels like a dream land, you well and truly hit cold hard reality. The truth of these 'perks':

Breaks - Spent doing homework for the next lesson that you really should of done last night, but you had that essay and then you absolutely NEEDED sleep!
Lunch - Spent doing work due in for a lesson after lunch. You were going to get up early to do it, but you had a late night doing that piece of coursework and you're bed is just too comfy. 
Frees - Doing any outstanding homework that needs doing. These are golden opportunities for catching up. An hour to do the cover work set by the teacher or just plain homework. Its a beautiful little hour. Usually very much needed. Also, you realise that having a lie in messes up bus systems - late start, still need to get the same bus because it only comes once and hour so you have to wait around or be late and early finishes, your bus comes earlier than usual and you have an unexpected free but your'e alone (and you remember this predicament from earlier in the post.)

So we must enjoy the free time we get, because it stops being free time and become homework time D:

From the stressed out sixth former :)
(Even weekends and nights are homework-doing time)

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