Thursday, 31 January 2013

Fashion, turn to the left!

My second sub-topic to my 'Sixth Form'  post.

I still haven't decided if fashion is important when going to sixth form. (This is assuming that you're sixth form doesn't have a uniform.) I mean, don't get me wrong, I think it's important to dress as you feel comfortable and wear what you want, but at Sixth form (well, at mine) there is a lot more people that you don't know. And when meeting new people you want to make a good impression, usually through words and appearance. Since most of these people aren't in your classes  and you may never have a conversation with them, the only way to make an impression is to look good and have personal style.

Most girls wear jeans I think. Including myself. I think jeans are safe. You can wear any shoes, any top and any coat with jeans. They are practical for cold weather which is essential in the North East of England. The thing that sets them apart from leggings is that they are never see through. Never. Leggings can sometimes betray you  in this department (curse you wet look leggings. And you Primark leggings). So we tend to stick to jeans.

Occasionally, some of us will wear skirts. Skirts are nice to wear because they are quite cute. You can wear ballerina pumps with them and look smart or wear vans/converse with them and give it some edge. The same can be done with dresses.

There are those who are especially brave and very rarely wear jeans or leggings. Even in extreme weather. Shorts are a big part of Sixth form. And as girls you can not judge other girls for doing it, because you secretly want to be able to get away with it. Shorts in the snow. Very impractical! But looks kinda great with wellies and knee high socks :/. NVM.

You go through some days where you don't care about what you wear and other days you will obsess over it. It can depend on weather, mood or even the classes you have that day (or more importantly, who is in your classes that day ;)). Teehee.

So I think you should decide for yourself what to wear and what you feel comfortable wearing each day. I mean, if you feel good you look good. And you can tell. 

Im not a fashion guru, or a life coach
Im a teenager 
So trust me :)

Subjects, classes and workload

My first sub-post to 'Sixth Form'

There are so many subjects to choose from at A-level. No joke. You can do anything for theatre studies to criminology to media to law. There is literally a subject for everyone, however, I understand that A-levels are not for everyone.

Myself, I do Maths, French, Geography and dance. I know the selection is pretty broad and very odd but I'd like to think I'm a bit random myself  therefore the perfect selection for me! That and I don't have a scooby of what I am to do once I leave. And I don't want to pigeon-hole myself at 16. However, if you do know what you want to do and know what qualifications you need, then go for it! Choose a strong, formidable set of subjects. Like, history, law,  English language and English literature. They tend to go well together, I've heard. Another combo is Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. You know, if you're into that sort of thing. 

I know a bit about a few different subjects other than my own so I'm going to give a brief (and honest) little sentence or two on them. Please correct me if I am wrong because obviously I don't take all of these. 

Big step up from GCSE, less of a step if you do/did additional., requires a lot of revision and a lot of homework. My favourite subject
Some bit you'll know from GCSE, others you wont. A lot of detail, a lot of things to remember. Exams are brutal.
Don't enjoy as much as the others, not to be compared to CATs, ATPs and dance schools outside of sixth form. Theory is a lot to remember which both artistic and scientific topics
Very hard. Lots of outside work like reading, listening etc to be done in own time. Exams are okay, but the writing is part of the exam. A lot of enthusiasm and initiative needed, I feel.
Once again, quite hard. Long lLatin names to be learnt, very detailed in complex processes
Lots and lots of work, lots of reading and up to 30 mark questions in the exam .. not my choice!
Very time consuming, it will become your life. Deadlines to meet, tasks to complete, stress and extreme amounts of homework. My friends and a lot of other tend to work through their breaks and into a lot of hours at home.

That's as much as I can give sufficient information on :). I might add that all subjects will require you to do lots of homework, lots of revision, lots of unset homework which you are expected to do outside of class. And if you miss a class, you must catch up the work you missed and homework before the next lesson. 

As for the classes, all the ones I take, the crack/banter is pretty good. Lots of friendly new people I've met. 

HINT: In your first class if you are alone, see where there are spare seats, and where other people are sitting alone. Then the next lesson you can sit next to them and make friends. It worked for me. If you are extremely brave (or late) sit next to someone where there is a seat in the first class. 

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Education for the Nation!!

Sixth form is a lingering presence in my life and will be for the next 18 months approximately. I am a first year/year 12 so I am not nearly as sick of my life as those one year further in than myself. I feel for you. I have it coming, I know. And I know that my year 12 problems will seem trivial to year 13s and uni students. But again, my opinion and my problems are clearly the most pressing and important pieces of information as I am a teenager.

There is sooo much I could write about Sixth form. So I'm going to break it down over the next couple of blog posts. Its a big topic. MY HOT TOPICS FOR SIXTH FORM ARE...

  • Subjects, classes and workloads
  • Fashion
  • Breaks, lunches and free periods
  • 10 best and worst things about Sixth Form
I think 4 is enough.

These posts are for my 7 viewers (or 1 viewer who has visited 7 times) if you are looking forward to Sixth form, I will try to be as honest as possible, even if it means frightening you away (sorry not sorry); if you are a fellow Sixth former, you can relate to these posts (if not leave a comment :)); or if you are past the days of sixth form and want to re-live those GREAT (not so great) days. I aim to please.

So please keep posted (nice little blogging pun there) for my insightful and honest opinion on Sixth form.

Happy blogging :)

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Messy mind over messy rooms

Bedrooms... Not a very riveting subject but one I actually have a lot to say on. 

As a typical teenager, my room is a mess most of the time and tidying it is a weekly task. I don't even understand how it gets to untidy. There is just clothes everywhere, stuff everywhere, its ridiculous! 

Anyway, I know that people (mainly girls) my age like to have a 'grown-up', minimalistic room, with beige carpets, brown walls, neatly organised shelves and stuff like that, which I can understand. But what I struggle to comprehend is how on earth do you keep it like that? Where does everything go? I literally have stuff everywhere. Even I'm sometimes surprised by what I can find just by turning my head. Books, CDs, DVDs, hair brushes, clothes, my glasses that I thought I had lost. You may be thinking well 'Why don't you just throw away the thing you don't want/need/use and then you'd have loads of room for everything else!' Good point. But am I the only one who, when de-cluttering, becomes immediately sentimental about everything I own? 

"Oh no, I couldn't possibly throw away that miniature Sleeping Beauty plastic figurine that is also a tiny pink pen."
"Not that top. I know I haven't wore it in 3 years but one day ill have lost weight and it will look fab! And it will probably come into fashion soon."
"Haha look at my year 7 French book. Lots of vocab in here, I'll probably need it for my A-level. So what if I don't read it? Its there if I even need it."

Just a few examples.

And its not that my bedroom is small or has no storage space, au contraire, I have a double bed, mirrored sliding wardrobes, shelves and a set of drawers, yet still plenty of room to choreograph a solo for my Dance A-level. 

So what is the secret? Should I simply grow a pair and just get rid of things I have no use for? Force more clothes into draws to make room for more things?? 

Send your help to the girl with a messy head over messy rooms :)

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


I have started this blog because like most other teenagers, I feel like all my life events and my opinions are of great interest to the rest of the world, (and like most other teenagers, I am deluded).

I don't know what I'll post about, but ill try to make it at least slightly interesting for those of you who actually care. 

I, like most other teenagers, had a tumblr. If you had/have tumblr you know that its rare to find a blog with actual writing content and that your own blog consists of pictures of things you like/want/need. For those more popular tumblers, you may have the occasional asks! Get you! 

(I wasn't one of them people)

So blogspot. Hello. This will, guaranteed  be a blog of just another teenager. But, like most other teenagers, I think I'm different. I think that my individuality will carry my through. 

But who am I kidding? 

I'm just another teenager  :)