Saturday 26 January 2013

Messy mind over messy rooms

Bedrooms... Not a very riveting subject but one I actually have a lot to say on. 

As a typical teenager, my room is a mess most of the time and tidying it is a weekly task. I don't even understand how it gets to untidy. There is just clothes everywhere, stuff everywhere, its ridiculous! 

Anyway, I know that people (mainly girls) my age like to have a 'grown-up', minimalistic room, with beige carpets, brown walls, neatly organised shelves and stuff like that, which I can understand. But what I struggle to comprehend is how on earth do you keep it like that? Where does everything go? I literally have stuff everywhere. Even I'm sometimes surprised by what I can find just by turning my head. Books, CDs, DVDs, hair brushes, clothes, my glasses that I thought I had lost. You may be thinking well 'Why don't you just throw away the thing you don't want/need/use and then you'd have loads of room for everything else!' Good point. But am I the only one who, when de-cluttering, becomes immediately sentimental about everything I own? 

"Oh no, I couldn't possibly throw away that miniature Sleeping Beauty plastic figurine that is also a tiny pink pen."
"Not that top. I know I haven't wore it in 3 years but one day ill have lost weight and it will look fab! And it will probably come into fashion soon."
"Haha look at my year 7 French book. Lots of vocab in here, I'll probably need it for my A-level. So what if I don't read it? Its there if I even need it."

Just a few examples.

And its not that my bedroom is small or has no storage space, au contraire, I have a double bed, mirrored sliding wardrobes, shelves and a set of drawers, yet still plenty of room to choreograph a solo for my Dance A-level. 

So what is the secret? Should I simply grow a pair and just get rid of things I have no use for? Force more clothes into draws to make room for more things?? 

Send your help to the girl with a messy head over messy rooms :)

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